
All information regarding commissions including pricing, personal guidelines, and TOS!


Things to know before commissioning me

Last update: JULY 6 2022

☆ Pricing will be discussed and agreed upon before starting a commission. The agreed upon price must be sent via Paypal before I start your commission☆ Prices may increase depending on the level of detail/complexity☆ Please be aware that if you choose to make changes while I am fulfilling your order or after it has been completed, additional charges may be applied depending on how much is being changed☆ I will send progress photos of the rough sketches and clean linework through email. If it is to your liking, I will do a full colour and email you the high resolution version of the commission☆ If you change your mind BEFORE I send the first rough draft, you will get a full refund. If you change your mind after your first draft but BEFORE I send the second linework draft, you will get a 50% refund. After this, YOU WILL NOT BE REFUNDED IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND.


Last update: JULY 6 2022

All payments will be made through Paypal! An invoice will be created and sent to you so you may make the payment directly*Please be aware that the prices below are the minimum base price. Any add-ons or extra details will change the total price


Shoulders and up

(Base price)

$60.00 USD


Waist and up

(Base price)

$70.00 USD


(Base price)

$100.00 USD


Solid colours, simple patterns/shapes, and gradients


Any background that requires linework and shading

☆Example #1 (Simple) = + $5.00 USD
☆Example #2 (Moderate) = + $10.00 USD


If you are a business or plan to you use your commission for commercial use, please skip filling out the request form and email me directly!

Commercial art includes but is not limited to:
- product advertisement
- websites
- album/ music covers
- book covers
- clothing
- accessories and merchandise
- posters


☆50% of base price added per extra character☆+$2.00 USD for any stylized fonts (block letters, bubble letters, calligraphy, etc.)

Personal Guidelines

Last update: JULY 6 2022

✅Will Do✅:

- Mild blood/horror/gore
- Censored nudity
- OCs and fanart
- Self portraits/selfies
- Human-like fantasy characters (fairies, mermaids, kemonomimi, etc.)

🚫Won't Do🚫:

- More than 4 characters total in a single drawing
- Furries or complex mecha (simple is okay)
- Complex/ extremely detailed backgrounds (unless for commercial use purposes)
- NSFW or extremely violent/gorey content
- Content that is offensive or hurtful to others
- Copies of another artist's original work/art style

How to order


☆ To place an order, please fill out a request form linked below! If you are looking for a commercial piece or wish to collaborate on a project long term, please email me directly!
☆ Send me an email that has your reference photos attached after you have sent your form. DO NOT SEND ME LINKS TO YOUR REFERENCE PHOTOS. PLEASE ATTACH THE IMAGE DIRECTLY TO THE EMAIL. Make sure the email you send the photos with is the same as the email written in your form so I know it's you!
☆ I will reply with further clarification if needed and with a price summary. If you are okay with the price, I will send you an invoice that will allow you to directly pay the amount that is due
☆ Please send only one form per commission. If you want to place multiple orders, you will have to fill out a different form for each!


Last update: JULY 6 2022

☆ I reserve the right to refuse any orders made☆ I will only accept payment through Paypal☆ I will send you progress shots as I work on your commission. It is your responsibility to send me feedback on the drafts I send you. I will only continue working on your order after receiving feedback. I DO NOT accept accountability for late completion if it is due to late feedback responses.☆Commissions will be sent in PNG or JPEG format ONLY☆ You may NOT repurpose your personal use commission for selling merchandise, NFT, or for promotional use UNLESS you have discussed it with me over email. I ask that when posting the art to social media and image sharing platforms, you still give appropriate credit where credit is due☆ Please provide one or more reference photos for your order and be as DETAILED as possible so I can capture your vision to the best of my abilities!☆ The goal is to complete your commission within 28 days after the order has been confirmed. If I have multiple orders to fulfill at the same time, you may experience delays, which you will be notified of

☆ I will start your order when I have received your payment AND when I have sent you a confirmation email